TJ a la bici; photos lacking

Y’all, we rode our bikes to TJ this weekend with our wonderful friends Maya and Marlo, and I have nary a photo to prove it. I’m going to have to get better than that at this thing, because I doubt my writing will solely hold your attention for very long. But here’s what you should know: it was marvelous.  What a wonderful way to spend a Saturday. I was nervous it was going to be hades hot, but our next-to-the-bay path provided cool breezes.  Of course, that did not stop me from arriving at this chic art gallery without a slick of sweat covering me from head to toe, but luckily right before I left the house I fashioned a cute little bobby-pinned, messy coif that handled the sweat on the head well.

At one point as we were joyfully pedaling through the mexi-streets, I realized that our group consisted of Jay and three women on mixtes. I then decided that we should make music videos under an artistic venture called Jay and the Mixtes. They should feature us riding around on our bikes. Maya pointed out that Nortec beat us to it, but I don’t think we care:

Music Thing*

Have you seen 500 Days of Summer? I kind of have a love affair with that movie. Well, I kind of have a love affair with Zooey Deschanel (who doesn’t, I ask you), and so this movie by extension. (Dude. Everything she wears is blue! Everything! AND there’s a breakout musical scene.) Anyway, there’s this one scene after Summer has broken Tom’s heart and they run into each other on a train. At first Tom kind of freaks out, but he decides he can handle being in the same space with her, maybe even talk to her. They get coffee in the cafe car, enjoy each other, remember the things they liked about each other, and uh oh, Tom falls for her all over again. It ends up not being pretty, but this scene is so beautiful: it’s on a train, riding next to the Pacific, during that perfect golden hour in California when everything looks magical, and this song captures every moment of wistfulness Tom is experiencing.

*Some of my favorite bloggers do this weekly thing where they post links to music they dig. I am going to blatantly steal that idea. What should we call it?

Things I want to talk about

My foray into traditional nutrition – am I going to be one of those crazy people that eats raw liver? Maybe. Probably.
Also, sugar.
Yoga and more yoga.
The dream retail empire in my head.
Baby-making (not all graphic or anything).
How the day I want to lead every day doesn’t match the day I currently lead.
Beautiful things.

That’s all. I think.

My intention is intention

The point of this here blog is to chronicle my trying to live thoughtfully and joyfully  in the many different aspects of my life, and also share and learn from others. I’ll try not to make it too boring or dazzle myself with ridiculous flowery prose. And I also know that everyone likes pictures.

So, that’s the deal. In case you were wondering.